Local & International
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Our church is committed to serving and sharing The Gospel both locally and internationally. Throughout the year, we do this through mission trips, partnering with local churches and non-profits, supporting missionaries, giving to Annie Armstrong and Lottie Moon offerings, equipping church plants, and much more.
A couple of examples are our Eleos Food Pantry which serves our local community and Operation Christmas Child that delivers The Gospel across the globe!
Eleos Food Pantry
Eleos Food Pantry shows the love of Jesus Christ to our local community by providing free, non-perishable food items to those needing it. We strive to create a caring atmosphere in which every individual is treated with dignity, concern, and love.
If you are in need of assistance, come visit us during the hours listed below.
You can support Eleos by giving online, mailing your check designated to Eleos, or by participating in our monthly Pack the Pantry events.
Eleos Food Pantry Hours:
Monday | 10:00am-1:00pm
Wednesday | 5:00pm-8:00pm
Friday | 11:00am-2:00pm
Saturday | 10:00am-12:00pm
Overcoming Barriers to Mission Trips:
Insights from a Former Skeptic
Can I be a missionary?
It’s 90% willingness and 10% doing. You have to get out of your own head and get into the heart of Jesus. Yes, you can be a missionary!
Can I live without my comforts?
“Jamaica is a great place to start as a missionary. Not saying you won’t sweat working, but the accommodations are comfortable, showers are available, and the food is great!” I learned that I can indeed live without my comforts!
Why go to a foreign country to spread the Gospel? I can just go to my neighbor and share the love of God...
The poorest American is better off than most residents of a third world country where there is no (or limited) access to internet service, transportation, media, or many other modern American luxuries and conveniences. Remember in Matthew 28:19, Jesus himself commissions believers to go and make disciples of all the nations. If that means going to your neighbor first for practice and you haven’t, what a great opportunity for you to prepare yourself for foreign missions!
Am I equipped to be a missionary?
If you love the Lord and want to connect people to Jesus through love, work, and play, then you are equipped. If you know that Christ first loved you, then you can share that love with others. All you need is love…the rest will come. You will go through some training prior to the trip, as well. Don’t worry, be happy!
Can I afford to go on a mission trip? What will it cost?
Some people plan and save for a mission trip, just as you would a vacation. Some people apply for financial assistance through the mission trip organization. Some people sacrifice other luxuries to pay for the trip. It is extremely unlikely to ever say, “Man, I wish I hadn’t gone on the mission trip – it wasn’t worth the money.” In the end, you will be more blessed than those you served…forgetting you were ever worried about the cost.
Is getting through customs a problem?
Just like any other travel, you never know what you are going to go through. It’s not any worse than getting from Savannah to Richmond Hill any day of the week at 5 o’clock. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. “Our experience was not bad at all. We got right through.”
I have a health problem. What if it flares up?
“It was a big concern with IBS, worrying about finding a bathroom in a hurry in the boonies. There are ‘facilities’ available. However, I did not have one single flare up the whole time. If you need to take breaks during the work periods to rest, then you do that. There are always kids and others around to love on while you are resting. If you need to stay back because of your ailment, then you do that.”
I'm a planner... I don't know what to expect.
God always has a plan and will use you how, when, and where He needs you at any given time. The best advice is: “Go with no expectations.” It’s an adventure full of surprises!

Dianne Drane
Missions Director
I would love to connect with you and answer any questions that you may have! If you would like to set up a time to meet, please let me know. I look forward to connecting with you!
2025 Mission Trips
Jamaica Mission Trip
Maine Mission Trip
Malawi Mission Trip